Cocodrilo arranca un brazo a ex tenista, pero esto no impidió que ella se case

La joven fue trasladada por vía aérea a un hospital de Bulawayo, pero las heridas eran tan graves que los médicos no tuvieron más remedio que amputarle el brazo.

La joven fue trasladada por vía aérea a un hospital de Bulawayo, pero las heridas eran tan graves que los médicos no tuvieron más remedio que amputarle el brazo.

La semana pasada en Zimbabue, una mujer sufrió el ataque de un cocodrilo que le arrancó un brazo, pero esto no impidió sus planes de casarse cinco días después de la tragedia, informó el diario local "Chronicle"

Zanele Ndlovu, exjugadora zimbabuense de tenis internacional, fue atacada el pasado 30 de abril por el reptil mientras navegaba por el río Zambezi en una canoa hinchable, cerca de las famosas Cataratas Victoria.

"El cocodrilo saltó fuera del agua y mordió un trozo del brazo junto al lateral de la embarcación", contó Ndlovu, de 25 años, al periódico desde la sureña ciudad de Bulawayo, donde recibió atención médica.

"La canoa empezó a desinflarse y todo ocurrió tan rápido. El cocodrilo me mordió de nuevo y me arrastró al agua", relató la joven, que ha perdido el brazo derecho.

Ndlovu fue finalmente rescatada por su prometido, el británico Jamie Fox, de 27 años, y varios guías que acompañaban a otros turistas en embarcaciones similares.

La joven fue trasladada por vía aérea a un hospital de Bulawayo, segunda ciudad más grande de Zimbabue, pero las heridas eran tan graves que los médicos no tuvieron más remedio que amputarle la extremidad por encima del codo.

Cinco días después, la pareja se casó en una capilla del hospital en presencia de sesenta invitados.

En las fotos publicadas por la prensa local, la joven aparece sonriente con un elegante vestido blanco, y luce una venda del mismo color en el muñón del brazo derecho.

"Yo no sabía que el destino haría que me casara en la capilla de un hospital, sin una extremidad. Pero en todo esto no me quejo. Mi boda fue la mejor y tengo un marido maravilloso", dijo la recién casada.

Fox afirmó que el trauma del ataque del cocodrilo ha fortalecido su amor mutuo, que también afirmó que "nunca, en ningún momento, se me pasó por la cabeza cancelar la boda".

Según datos oficiales, 34 personas murieron el año pasado en Zimbabue como consecuencia del ataque de un animal salvaje, de las que 21 perecieron por la embestida de un cocodrilo. EFE


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One thing that's not going to happen is something stopping a woman from #walkingdowntheaisle on her #weddingday. Which could be walking today about to be married tomorrow have some accident happened to her...... n show up to the ceremony in a #wheelchair #???? #? ???? - Regrann from @africacablenetwork - A couple attacked by a #crocodile wedded days later in a Zimbabwean hospital, where the bride was recovering after losing an arm. “In one week we went from shock and agony to a truly amazing experience,” 27-year-old Jamie Fox told The Associated Press Monday. Fox and his then-fiancée, Zanele Ndlovu, were canoeing on the #Zambezi, one of Africa’s longest rivers when a crocodile attacked them on Apr. 30. Zenele lost her right arm and suffered injuries to her left hand. Five days later, they married in a hospital chapel. “We were glad we still had our lives and managed to keep our wedding date, although we had to do with a much smaller venue. The celebrations went ahead at the original venue but Zenele and I had to remain at the hospital,” Fox said. He described the wedding as “incredible.” #VictoriaFalls Guide, a travel website, describes canoeing on the Zambezi above the Victoria Falls “the perfect activity for those who not only want to see the abundant bird and animal life but also want to experience the peace, tranquility and beauty of the #ZambeziRiver.” For the couple, the experience turned into a terrifying incident. “I was shouting, trying to save her. She was not complaining of pain when we managed to pull her out of the water, maybe because of the shock. We were hoping the doctors would save her arm but that was not to be,” said Fox, adding that the couple had dated for about 18 months. “I proposed in February. We are hoping to settle in the U.K. so we are sorting out her visa and then we will think of the honeymoon,” he said. Zanele was discharged from the hospital on Monday. #africacablenetwork #wow #wedding #africa #love #eastafrica #zanelendlovu #JakeHunter88 - #regrann

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A couple attacked by a #crocodile wedded days later in a Zimbabwean hospital, where the bride was recovering after losing an arm. “In one week we went from shock and agony to a truly amazing experience,” 27-year-old Jamie Fox told The Associated Press Monday. Fox and his then-fiancée, Zanele Ndlovu, were canoeing on the #Zambezi, one of Africa’s longest rivers when a crocodile attacked them on Apr. 30. Zenele lost her right arm and suffered injuries to her left hand. Five days later, they married in a hospital chapel. “We were glad we still had our lives and managed to keep our wedding date, although we had to do with a much smaller venue. The celebrations went ahead at the original venue but Zenele and I had to remain at the hospital,” Fox said. He described the wedding as “incredible.” Victoria Falls Guide, a travel website, describes canoeing on the Zambezi above the Victoria Falls “the perfect activity for those who not only want to see the abundant bird and animal life but also want to experience the peace, tranquility and beauty of the Zambezi River.” For the couple, the experience turned into a terrifying incident. “I was shouting, trying to save her. She was not complaining of pain when we managed to pull her out of the water, maybe because of the shock. We were hoping the doctors would save her arm but that was not to be,” said Fox, adding that the couple had dated for about 18 months. “I proposed in February. We are hoping to settle in the U.K. so we are sorting out her visa and then we will think of the honeymoon,” he said. Zanele was discharged from the hospital on Monday. #africacablenetwork #wow #wedding #africa #love #eastafrica #zanelendlovu

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